Listen to Divine Wisdom coming from a risqué iconoclast, a wild outcast: by taking prayer outta schools, we don’t know s’up anymore, literally. Columbine would never have happened with morals, maturity and moxie which I gotta lotta em hidden behind our solidarity. Dylan? Eric? shot Rachael in the face point-blank with a sawed-off-shotgun simply because she was a Christian I so wanna kiss her feets So if El Diablo cannot/will not defeat me (and all of you geriatric workers of iniquity), explain to me how can you ever expect to defeat U.S. withe formidable knowledge of God, George Sorrows?? I’m quite puzzled with your ‘ren-and-skimpy-wagon-load’ of fragrant BS. Go on. I’m waiting... till the Rapture — See the poor on every street corner? Your choice. Our demise.
Miss Wisdom hears the discord of human beings in their ‘hunger’ for Truth; She accepts the facade of dire-straight-Satanists and let’s them do their twisted sisters ...but! woohoo! psycho mojo! She reaches down through the blackness turning to white of humanity, and says, ‘Wanna meet Mrs. Foxhole? Come up hither through the Narrow Gate. Wanna meet Mr. Hole? Continue in thy filthy nonsense’ 🔹️jever wonder how Chinese eat ice cream with chopsticks?🔹️Q: why-O-why do Americans delve into cliques, cults and carnal conformity? A: they havent 'died' yet like me; they dont have Miss Wisdom yet to unscrew from El Diablo🔹️God aint atheist- Im a NDEr🔹️'Purify your souls with your deeds of love and mercy toward your brothers' -Jesus🔹️I’m definitely an aster!risk [gulp]🔹️My mom sez she feels like a bank: her dogs make deposits🔹️I so wish I was friends withat weird kid in Junior High - poor/lived in the projexx next to the Air Base. Im about as strange as him now. Love ya, WK🔹️Manuel L. Abour (justin case)🔹️Break-out of this wicked world; focus on where thou goest at death's hour. See how the sun moves, forever on the run? See how time quickly evaporates? Lil by lil, hour by hour, day by day passing-away, never-to-return, always moving like a Business Man checking His Watch. STOP. Think. Still time, above-ground-humanity. Wotchu gonna accomplish in YOUR wee hour upon earth??🔹️Q: how does an evangelist spread the Light? A: by being a G.E. - evanGElist🔹️Know what my philosophy on life is now? Too much trouble to get into
trouble🔹️Our indelible soul lives on eternally; our mortal body
decomposes in the grave. How many of U.S. think it wise for this sinfull mortal to warn you?? - ya dont gotta ask a mortal for permission to hand-out immortality🔹️When I was very young I thot my parents had the summer off🔹️Q: why dont I compete in the TdF? A: I personally dont like following a leader - MY Leader is the One and Only Iconoclast, Miss Wisdom, not some worthless, earthly prizes
which'll pass-away like my flatulations🔹️KaleKornflakes🔹️Q: Area 51? A: Aint no 'friendly' aliens from outter space; they're nasty, demonic creatures from HELLFIRE. And dats d'troof as is this Bible which I gotta the Psalm from: Psalm 51🔹️PS: talking bout El Diablo? You must decide who to follow: 1) 🆘️Satan is a flat-out-liar!🆘️
2)Satan is nthn but a weak, fallen angel; not God. God created Lucifer. 3) Satan especially hates YOU and wants to see U.S. fry. 4) Satan hates his demons whom he tricked into following. 5) Satan hates humanity with a passion. 6) Satan is a dog (opposite of God) on a short leash; he cannot harm anyone if they put Jesus first. 7) Satan cant even stand-up to me, a bloody fool4jesus. 8)Why do you follow that literal Loser, Satanists, if all he does is burn YOU in TheEnd??🔹️I believe I shall be a WHITE martyr for Christ, not a RED🔹️I firmly believe MY eating yummy bugs as a toddler prevented the COVID virus🔹️True story: dont smoke, dont drink, dont talk right, dont walk right, dont eat right, dont dress right, dont date right, dont mate right, dont spell right, dont smell right. I'm poifect for Seventh-Heaven🔹️I'm truly LESS than nthn: you'll find-out when we git to the Great Beyond🔹️Humility: treasure simplicity, abhor pretense!🔹️What's more important, earthling? Our existence finite OR life in Seventh-Heaven eternally?🔹️LOVE CONQUERS ALL🔹️martyrdom rrrocks: if you accept the Mark, you'll be living high-on-the-hog yet, Satan is a LIAR: you'll be sent to Hellfire, screamin N roastin at God for eternity when you could've had the opposite for eternity🔹️Abortion, materialism, murder, atheism wont save U.S.🔹️ the devil cannot get-back at Almighty God for keeping our immortal souls OUTTA his repugnant hands, so he screws them ambivilant humans in more ways than one🔹️Be in no hurry to speak -Ecc 5:1🔹️Not too wise, son, living4earth: that'll getcha an empty shot glass in the nefarious Abyss o'Misery, never to be filled like you for eternity🔹️Normal speech plays a highly catastrophic role in the conformity of humanity: I trust in you to VitSee the Light and bear fruit in TheEnd🔹️Turn-away from the passions of youth -2 Timothy 2:22🔹️Somethn to ponder: imagine writing with JRR Tolkien in Heaven! Imagine the worlds you'd build, the creatures!! We certainly could be a literal part of those strange, unbelievable planets!! Q: How do I know JRRs in Heaven? A: JRR was a Christian before he influenced C.S. Lewis to be a Christian🔹️The wee, mortal power to talk fluently DOES NOT give U.S. the right to be loud and proud; rather, that invisible speech which flows from thy vocal kordz with giddy literacy, should influence U.S. to be humble and listen - mosta these peepow on earth truly dont grasp that concept🔹️I guess I'm like the late, great Dr. Karl Menninger, MD: we must be a lover of silence before a lover of vocality🔹️I'm nthn precisely because I choose to be nthn🔹️quinoa - an excellant protein for biking N health🔹️Think I need to go to Confession - I stole all the bases🔹️HalfTooth🔹️NanoProblemo, dude!🔹️cattails = corndogs🔹️NaNoWriMoe, Curly🔹️krazy kooky🔹️10,101th of a nanometer <- thaaats quite small🔹️My mom had a nun named, I kid you not, ROSE BUSH; she also taught L.D. yeeeers ago at YCAT (Youth Center @ Topeka - a juvee center for young adults), she had a black 'kid' named, I further kid you not, CODA 'the end' LASTER (his mom was sick of having babies)🔹️NEWcentz? nown!🔹️Q: what black belt in Aug '99, my instructor who's a NINTH! degree in Hawaiian Kempo, took me to Denver to a huge tournament; I won a trophy almost as BigAsMe (6') for doing a high-level kata. After a short time [actually, not one minute later], I could see the 'chasing-after-the-wind' mentality of all those who live their lives for tournaments. If you're wise, senseis, you'll see thats NOT the prize you're aiming for: Seventh-Heaven is🔹️EPIGOBBALOTTIS: (Latin: my sis mouth - she hasnt stopped talking since she was born)🔹️Q: what do you call a cookie with a fortune inside? A: a fortunate cookie🔹️Cyclamen: the national flower of Israel (<- totally fits)🔹️I called Satan: C'est la guerre, tête de merde
You're standing and staring at the Guggenheim in NYC: tall, huge, weird, preponderous, modern-art-genre-thang with many neet-o levels fulla neet-o objects. Could get lost inside. Take you forever to explore. Might never be found again. Whew Time-out. Got bad brains. Feeling dizzy. Gotta... see... a neurologist. And that's just on the outside. As you're walking in, prepared to meet this provacative onslaught, you notice how some twigs have fallen to the earth, very short, very dead, very brittle. Realize the correlation yet between Heaven Above (the Guggenheim) versus the twigs (our lives)?? Yes, I realize I'm painting a pretty bleek picture of our longevity; however, you must also realize that whot I say is the objective TRUTH: we'll all be dead someday, some of U.S. more deader than Janet. And dat da fak, Jak. Don't you love your conscience typed-out?🔹️Im just weeerd: God loves weeerd peepow🔹️Q: why am I nthn without Jesus? A: for being nthn, God so honors that quality, thus, Im everythn. Many dont have that wisdom: they think they're everythn without God🔹️Take-out a pieceOpaper; make a person walking away with a letter D following'm🔹️Cloud jumpin on a mountain bike? How'dya do it? Easy. I'll show you in Seventh-Heaven. Very antisocial🔹️I know some dudes - they have CEREBRAL PALSY: they have trouble brushing their teeth. SOLUTION? why dont you open your mouth, squirt some toothpaste in, then swish for 10ish minutes? Within 10 days or so, got teeth like moi N you dont gotta brush!!!🔹️Love the poor: they're quite n'FXously human🔹️DO NOT obey the world which is mortal; obey your conscience which is from God:
I hereby giveth unto thee,
ye just and worthy liege,
me fruitfull inebriation
to do with wot thou shalt:
This is an impeccably, motley invitation
to join me in Seventh-Heaven to RITE
some slick, sizzlin, zzzillions! of overdude
books for the lengthNbreadth of eternity,
exploring the concept of the endless, bombastic
now in slo-mo-explo of the raw!kuss unceasing:
Think about it:
no dead-end-thots ...
no brain freezes ...
writing a trillion? N a half
hefty novels in one 'day' ...
Skiing from our IQ muuuch higher than K2 ...
scuba diving without oxygen ...
flying on a majic carpet through the galaxy
(speed limits? whahahaha) ...
walking on water ...
no limits!!!
(ie we can walk through walls) ...
no sleep ...
wee ex-mortals shall have
tremendous POW!er ...
hide-N-seek throughout
the galaxy with x-trazz in
the millitrillions of stars
throughout one, single, galaxy ...
to join me in Seventh-Heaven to RITE
some slick, sizzlin, zzzillions! of overdude
books for the lengthNbreadth of eternity,
exploring the concept of the endless, bombastic
now in slo-mo-explo of the raw!kuss unceasing:
Think about it:
no dead-end-thots ...
no brain freezes ...
writing a trillion? N a half
hefty novels in one 'day' ...
Skiing from our IQ muuuch higher than K2 ...
scuba diving without oxygen ...
flying on a majic carpet through the galaxy
(speed limits? whahahaha) ...
walking on water ...
no limits!!!
(ie we can walk through walls) ...
no sleep ...
wee ex-mortals shall have
tremendous POW!er ...
hide-N-seek throughout
the galaxy with x-trazz in
the millitrillions of stars
throughout one, single, galaxy ...
we can explore different universes ...
animals DO talk Upstairs! ...
YOU can and will create everything ...
age-differences-instantly ...
dance N frolick in the air ...
animals DO talk Upstairs! ...
YOU can and will create everything ...
age-differences-instantly ...
dance N frolick in the air ...
or imagine Her sitting on a
loveseat with moi entrenched
in our passion, entangled in
our intimacy... but! then!
She reaches o'er and grasps
the literal sun? giving it a
weee nudge down so we may
have a lil mo, shall we say,
'benevolent unity' ...
the angels will draw in cartoon
form, when we get back from
exploring the universe (to discover
stories), ultra-large-pictures the
things we discovered/stories ...
delicious, tangerine body AND!
sweet, cotton-candy-females
ready to devour you, too, in
exceedingly exquisite,
Seventh Heaven
(Need an ultra-high-power,
chocolate-I-scream with
Your full-throttle, taste-
combo-mammery clouds
without the severe storms?) ...
we'll climb trees thousands
of feet (you can even see trees
growing - the soil N rain is so
very rich in the Great Beyond) ...
elves singing from the trees
around Heavendale welcoming ...
dwarves mining in the mountains
for Gold to give to King Jesus ...
lil fairies N sprites dancing in
the forest in the dusk ...
only good creatures live Upstairs:
ready to devour you, too, in
exceedingly exquisite,
Seventh Heaven
(Need an ultra-high-power,
chocolate-I-scream with
Your full-throttle, taste-
combo-mammery clouds
without the severe storms?) ...
we'll climb trees thousands
of feet (you can even see trees
growing - the soil N rain is so
very rich in the Great Beyond) ...
elves singing from the trees
around Heavendale welcoming ...
dwarves mining in the mountains
for Gold to give to King Jesus ...
lil fairies N sprites dancing in
the forest in the dusk ...
only good creatures live Upstairs:
avatars, too, which I cant wait2meet ...
I personally dont wanna see any
bathrooms in Seventh-Heaven -
I had enough of the world's $h¡+ ...
How'joo like to step into a storybook picture
under invisibility [or not] and then,
after you're done doing
to whomever,
step in the fabulous reality again,
never dying without this:
bathrooms in Seventh-Heaven -
I had enough of the world's $h¡+ ...
How'joo like to step into a storybook picture
under invisibility [or not] and then,
after you're done doing
to whomever,
step in the fabulous reality again,
never dying without this:
truly, ultimately,
mega-cool, man.
...nonillions X nonillions X nonillions
O choices with anDna X infinity
(must have clones so when I
ride around the universe, the
Adorables wont be lonely -
definitely want my offspring to
explore Her vigorous, perpetual,
Jefferson's-theme-song universe)
= googleple××××××××××××××××× ...
And! PLUS!! when we get back to our
Big Ol Majestic Mansion (<- da BOMM)
which'll follow us around the vast,
Jupiter-size-world ('round the universe, 2),
each one more 'n more 'n more 'n more
fab-you-lous-than-the-last, coming
back maaaybe from the *RongWayBar
which sHe has A-L-L over the universe
(*R is backwards, thus,
the back of R fits nicely
into the W - I'll showya
when we ascend)??
The outrageous, primordial fireworks
for yeeeers are outta, this, world, miss
gorgeous, as we'll party-hardy like
no! buddy's! business!
mega-cool, man.
...nonillions X nonillions X nonillions
O choices with anDna X infinity
(must have clones so when I
ride around the universe, the
Adorables wont be lonely -
definitely want my offspring to
explore Her vigorous, perpetual,
Jefferson's-theme-song universe)
= googleple××××××××××××××××× ...
And! PLUS!! when we get back to our
Big Ol Majestic Mansion (<- da BOMM)
which'll follow us around the vast,
Jupiter-size-world ('round the universe, 2),
each one more 'n more 'n more 'n more
fab-you-lous-than-the-last, coming
back maaaybe from the *RongWayBar
which sHe has A-L-L over the universe
(*R is backwards, thus,
the back of R fits nicely
into the W - I'll showya
when we ascend)??
The outrageous, primordial fireworks
for yeeeers are outta, this, world, miss
gorgeous, as we'll party-hardy like
no! buddy's! business!
'Tiz a flippin',
conundrum, babe.
Follow me Upstairs yet again
(Im a NDEr).
...cuzz thar aint no love in Hellfire, pal.
'Atheism is so senseless'
-Sir Isaac Newton
..because you and I know there is One God whom you'll meet someday or else you wouldn't talk about Him so much, trying-with-your-human-fraility to disprove the axiom which is MORE senseless.
Wanna summore names for your characters?
Autumn Rose ...
April Frost ...
Violet Snow ...
ShyAnne, WY ...
Willow Rhoads ...
Orchid Darke ...
Dolly Maze ...
Roman Stone ...
Oak Woods ...
Bullwark Burnhart ...
Klaus Wilde ...
Will Wright ...
Goldy Silvers ...
Penelope Summers ...
Godiva Gray ...
Lizzy Vixen ...
Aunty Dotey ...
Fritz & Felix Franz ...
Isabella Silverstein ...
Mercedes Kennedy ...
Gypsy Mantooth ...
Ola! Im Manfredo Mancheeze!! ...
Phoenix Jett ...
Ivy Squire ...
Sauer Wolfe ...
Zöe Kooky ...
Victoria Vivaldi ...
Jive&Jinx ...
Ichabod Zambony ...
Cypress Nixx ...
Xavier Yves ...
Gustave Grimes ...
Jake Beans ...
JuniorJewel ...
Gilbert Knott ...
Ivor Black ...
Rolan-do ...
Nephary Danzig ...
Penny Merritt ...
Paisley Bugg ...
Di Yung ...
Möbius Carion...
Max Morgan ...
Jacqueline 'Jack' Coffee ...
Sofia Diamons ...
Virginia Volt ...
Jůlio Seven ...
DukeKing ...
(bouncer for the Dead Kennedys)
Dr. kold_kadavr_flatliner, MD ...
Umberto Maraschino ...
M. T. Boxx ...
Sunny 'see' Major ...
Pascal Dimitri Gentilous ...
Nadia 'fox' Wholle ...
Dr. JingJing ...
Major Rode Hazzard, SIR!!!!!!!!
Mini Goore ...
Dominic Szemyk ...
Msr. Dag Nastea
(<- while he seems delicious, El Diablo from Scandlenavia is Hemlock in TheEnd)
<- Good Name For a Punk) ...
If moNmo peepow followed Matthew 6:33, the world would be at peace instead of falling into pieces🔹️they never END till i ASCEND🔹️Yikes! I remember my 67-piece-bathing-suit-nightmare🔹️R.I.P. tide🔹️One day I noticed a long string hanging from the sky: a dangling participle🔹️real eyes/realize/real lies🔹️I believe I'll be RAPTURED🔹️Saint Faustina🔹️This world's dreams and desires are quickly shattered like Harry Pottery without Jesus🔹️'Im so nthn', I say to God. God responds, 'Exactly why I chose you'🔹️Heaven or Hell is kinda like a pencil which we write our existence: fill'm-up-with-lead on one end, erase our sins on the other, while in between is yellow: while we certainly can go, going is risky without Almighty God
Dunno what you want, dear...
but I personally want Seventh-
Heaven after this roadkill, exposé
existence. That kinda crass??
Miss Gorgeous...
I write uncivilized:
fulla conundrums,
fulla endorphins;
plus! gottagobbalotta
timeless, saucy,
rude, crude and so,
so Miss Construed
while sassy, savvy
and quite sub/dude.
♡ ♡
ADDENdUMb (<- like bookends):
fall in love with Seventh-Heaven
where I visited; our blogOwamma
shows you how with
H A R D C O R E,
(Latin: always faithful)
Z E A L O T R Y!!!
you N i cannot stay
here (after death).
I know. Im a NDEr.
Love you. Cya soon.
be@peace! not pieces!
The shoulder is only for those who have a problem, huh? I gotta major problem, pal: abortion / homosexuality🔹️Hillary, you'll find-out how simply HORRIBLE 'n DEPLORABLE I am at my Divine Judgement🔹️Rue Barb - actual street somewhere'n Tulouse, France 🔹️Starlings just looove to fly while Jaybirds love 2B bold; tiny Chick-a-dees love to chatter as SR-71 Blackbirds love to be mysterious and enchanting witheir sleek, magnificent wings and explosive, 70s thrust🔹️In 7th-Heaven, we'll gitta PI amount-O-pizza if ya want; in the Abyss o'Misery? Ha. Think Satan tells d'troof WHEN HE'S KNOWN FOR HIS LIES?🔹️What does YELLOW in sign language and HANG-LOOSE in the Hawaiian dialect have in common?🔹️Q: what do I got in my R arm due to a head injury? A: DECORTICATE RIGIDITY Q: why am I not in the least bit worried? A: 1-outta-1 bites-the-dust due to choke-on-mocha🔹️was talking with my other self the other day and I sed, 'Strange. Why do you put your watch in the freezer? Stop that.'🔹️SAAB story🔹️Ninjastars doilys🔹️Msr. Blip🔹️bestow MY elucidation: which helps YOU reach your destination/where WE can write zillions-O-books in our effusive exaggeration (amidst the stars):
The shoulder is only for those who have a problem, huh? I gotta major problem, pal: abortion / homosexuality🔹️Hillary, you'll find-out how simply HORRIBLE 'n DEPLORABLE I am at my Divine Judgement🔹️Rue Barb - actual street somewhere'n Tulouse, France 🔹️Starlings just looove to fly while Jaybirds love 2B bold; tiny Chick-a-dees love to chatter as SR-71 Blackbirds love to be mysterious and enchanting witheir sleek, magnificent wings and explosive, 70s thrust🔹️In 7th-Heaven, we'll gitta PI amount-O-pizza if ya want; in the Abyss o'Misery? Ha. Think Satan tells d'troof WHEN HE'S KNOWN FOR HIS LIES?🔹️What does YELLOW in sign language and HANG-LOOSE in the Hawaiian dialect have in common?🔹️Q: what do I got in my R arm due to a head injury? A: DECORTICATE RIGIDITY Q: why am I not in the least bit worried? A: 1-outta-1 bites-the-dust due to choke-on-mocha🔹️was talking with my other self the other day and I sed, 'Strange. Why do you put your watch in the freezer? Stop that.'🔹️SAAB story🔹️Ninja
On October 30, 1985,
not far from my house,
we lost our lives:
Im so ready to die now
(Im a Near Death Experiencer -
saw a lil of Seventh-Heaven):
to live! love! exponentially!
to VitSee-harmony for eternity!!
2RITE w/a passion 999×999×999+
novels in ♡OUR♡
exalted, extravagant excess!!!
Are you? If you aint, miss adorable,
why donchoo make like a choochoo
and high-tail it into Seventh-Heaven
so we can eternally party-hardy, girl
(skuze d’New Joiseyaxent)!!
---> <---
Q: what's a Shadowfax (Gandalf's equestrian)?
A: a sly horse who only comes when the printer's workin.
A: a sly horse who only comes when the printer's workin.
-Yummy BlogRoll
A fab name for a coffee shop:
ReplyDelete‘GobbaLotta cafe’
...God bless you.